Thursday, February 5, 2009

Thank you Orphanage for your inspiration

I just want to throw a short goodbye to the Orphanage, a visual FX company who, due to affects of our current economic problems, shut their doors after ten years of incredible service.


Back in 2001-2002 when I was getting ready to head to college, as well as really starting to take filmmaking seriously, I watched a dvd that came with a monster making book. The DVD boasted a new product called Magic Bullet, a program that had been made by this very young post house that had different filters and techniques to mimic film.

Before the popularity of 24 FPS DV cameras really took hold, there were very limited resources to assist high school filmmakers, college filmmakers, indies and other cats who were shooting DV. Thanks to them, we had a powerful tool on our empty pocket sides.

I started researching them my freshman year at College and continued to watch them go from commercial and music videos to some of the best feature films of our decade.

I dreamed that maybe I could get a position with them as an intern or at the very least work with them on my future feature film. It really saddens me to see them close.

The filmmakers that started The Orphanage were small group from Industrial Light and Magic. Their ingenuity paved the way for one of the hippest VFX / Post houses Hollywood was offered. It was inspirational to see a small group of young artists become the "Go To" people in such a short period of time.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that in the future I'll be able to work with some of these individuals, but am happy to have had their story fuel my desire to be a better filmmaker.


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